I personally know the pain of losing a cherished pet and I know many of you out there have experienced the same. Grief is grief whether its the loss of a close family member or close friend. For ALL animal lovers, our pets are our very close friends.
Here is a recommended website (book) that some of you might find helpful with the pain of loosing someone you love: http://closerthanyouthinkthebook.com/blog/2011/01/did-you-know-that-animals-are-spiritual-messengers-too/
I would like to create this post for those that are searching for answers or just searching for a compassionate friend to lend an ear. Until I put all the pieces together, this page will be a work in progress but to start things off I would like to introduce you to a new friend of ours Annette at http://www.pawprintsfromheaven.org
This site gives you a place to interact with others and tell your story as well as a list of books on the subject of grieving after the loss of a beloved pet family member. They offer FREE Pet Memorial offering a place for your pet’s story to live on and a place to find peace and healing.
Maybe we can make this a page all about the JOY’s of pet ownership telling all the wonderful experiences we had with our beloved pet instead of a page about grief but either way, we want you to feel welcome to comment or ask questions and most importantly TALK! If you are grieving, I want you to know that you are not alone! There are many that would love to lend an ear or even a shoulder to you……….feel free to post any questions or comments you have in this post. Your thoughts are welcome.
I would also like to introduce you to a quick video about animal communication; Youtube Video
A wonderful book by Agnes Thomas called “Pet’s Tell The Truth” wonderful read about animal communication
Another website for those that might find this helpful; http://www.animalenergy.com/AnimalAfterlife/
another area of the same site titled Animals in Spirit – Interview with Penelope Smith (5th one down). Here is the link; http://www.animalenergy.com/learnondemand.html
If you have a story you would like to share about your pet of any kind, please do so!